Currently we have two different places with different code that implements view instantiation logic.
This code is used to create an instance of ordinary view. It:
1. Tries to resolve `IViewPageActivator` through `DependencyResolver` and use it to create instance of needed view class.
2. If activator could not be resolved, it uses DependencyResolver to resolve required class instance.
3. If previous steps failed (object is still uninitialized), it uses `Activator.CreateInstance` as a fallback mechanism.
object instance = null;
if (DependencyResolver.Current != null)
var viewPageActivator = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IViewPageActivator>();
if (viewPageActivator != null)
instance = viewPageActivator.Create(viewContext.Controller.ControllerContext, _type);
instance = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(_type);
if (instance == null)
instance = Activator.CreateInstance(_type);
WebViewPage webViewPage = instance as WebViewPage;
The code below is used to instantiate specific views: _ViewStart & Layouts. Its logic:
1. Tries to resolve instance of a class class through DependencyResolver if it has been set.
2. If dependency resolver is null, it uses `Activator.CreateInstance`
if (_mappings.TryGetValue(virtualPath, out type))
if (DependencyResolver.Current != null)
return DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(type);
return Activator.CreateInstance(type);
This logic does not use `IViewPageActivator`. Moreover, `DependencyResolver.GetService` could return __null__.
I use Autofac and its ASP.NET MVC integration. It uses explicit service registration, so if some class have not been registered explicitly, it could not be resolved (`DependencyResolver` returns null). Before precompiled view engine, all things were ok, because default `RazorViewEngine` implementation uses `DefaultViewPageActivator` class and it use `Activator.CreateInstance` as a fallback:
return _resolverThunk().GetService(type) ?? Activator.CreateInstance(type);
I suggest to unify this logic and incapsulate it in the similar default activator class. And use it in `PrecompiledMvcView.Render` and `PrecompiledMvcViewEngine.CreateInstance` methods. See my pull request.