Razor Generator doesn't seem to allow me to write variables inside of things like href="@variable", similarly with style attributes and such. The generated code certainly used to work, and nothing has been changed but it breaks if I generate the compiled view again. The method below is used in the regeneration:
WriteAttributeTo(__razor_helper_writer, "href", Tuple.Create(" href=\"", 1390), Tuple.Create("\"", 1464)
//does not exist in the current context
Where as before there was only WriteLiteralTo and WriteTo in the code, no WriteAttributeTo:
WebViewPage.WriteLiteralTo(@__razor_helper_writer, " <span class=\"tag\">\r\n <a href=\"");
#line 58 "..\..\Extensions\Helpers\ListHelpers.cshtml"
Comments: We look at the assembly references to figure out what version of the Razor parser to use. Are you trying to build a Mvc 4 application? If so, then the generated output is what the v2 Razor parser produces and it must be a breaking change in it.
WriteAttributeTo(__razor_helper_writer, "href", Tuple.Create(" href=\"", 1390), Tuple.Create("\"", 1464)
//does not exist in the current context
Where as before there was only WriteLiteralTo and WriteTo in the code, no WriteAttributeTo:
WebViewPage.WriteLiteralTo(@__razor_helper_writer, " <span class=\"tag\">\r\n <a href=\"");
#line 58 "..\..\Extensions\Helpers\ListHelpers.cshtml"
Comments: We look at the assembly references to figure out what version of the Razor parser to use. Are you trying to build a Mvc 4 application? If so, then the generated output is what the v2 Razor parser produces and it must be a breaking change in it.