I've just installed a new version of RazorGenerator (1.7) and it looks like new version has issue with generate class name and namespace. I have file with name Sample.cshtml in Mvc\Helpers directory and class name in generated file is Mvc_Helpers_Sample_Cshtml. I have expected a class with name "Sample". Also a namespace in generated file is invalid (Asp instead of Mvc.Helpers). In previous version I used it worked fine. I use RazorGenerator as Visual Studio extension (Custom Tool). I've installed VS2012. I cannot continue development with that issue. Where can I download old version (1.6.4) of RazorGenerator vsix?
Comments: So does this file have one directive per line?, e.g: GeneratePrettyNames: true GenerateAbsolutePathLinePragmas: true Please confirm and I'll add that to doc next to where the directives are discussed.
Comments: So does this file have one directive per line?, e.g: GeneratePrettyNames: true GenerateAbsolutePathLinePragmas: true Please confirm and I'll add that to doc next to where the directives are discussed.