My application has a seperate project for each area. The Views directory sits inside the root of the project. When i run Razor Generator it creates the view but with the virtual path of "~/Views/...". This breaks for my area so i have two options. One place the Views directory within the correct folder or manually modifying the virtual path on the generated file. I have resorted to option 2 for now as it keeps my project tidy. However often i forget to make the change and when i change the view later it is overwritten.
I'm suggesting there should be a place within the view to specify the virtual path. For example something like:
@* VirtualPath = "~/Areas/AreaName/Views/Home/Index.cshtml" *@
All this would simply do is set the virtual path for the PageVirtualPathAttribute attribute.
Comments: RazorGenerator is fantastic Specially this feature... Thanks!
I'm suggesting there should be a place within the view to specify the virtual path. For example something like:
@* VirtualPath = "~/Areas/AreaName/Views/Home/Index.cshtml" *@
All this would simply do is set the virtual path for the PageVirtualPathAttribute attribute.
Comments: RazorGenerator is fantastic Specially this feature... Thanks!