First, greate job with this project is fantastic. I have been experience some troubles.
I have been follow every step of this and other blog post about how to use it, but doesnt work.
I create a MVC Project
I create a Class library project
In the class library project added the Razor Generator, Razor Engine, and the precompiledmcvviewengine
In the mvc project added the reference library to the class library project
here the problem starts
In the class library im unable to add a Razor View, the context menu doesnt apper, not even in the list on the new item. so...
I move the web.config and the Views folder from the mvc project to the class library (the add razor view is still missing)
To move forward, I type the custom tool for the cshtml files
Compile and start the mvc project and surprise! doesnt work at all...
So, first question Is the Razor generator compatible with VS2013?
Second: what am I missing?
I read that is better create another MVC project but that add a lot of stuff I dont really need.
I have been follow every step of this and other blog post about how to use it, but doesnt work.
I create a MVC Project
I create a Class library project
In the class library project added the Razor Generator, Razor Engine, and the precompiledmcvviewengine
In the mvc project added the reference library to the class library project
here the problem starts
In the class library im unable to add a Razor View, the context menu doesnt apper, not even in the list on the new item. so...
I move the web.config and the Views folder from the mvc project to the class library (the add razor view is still missing)
To move forward, I type the custom tool for the cshtml files
Compile and start the mvc project and surprise! doesnt work at all...
So, first question Is the Razor generator compatible with VS2013?
Second: what am I missing?
I read that is better create another MVC project but that add a lot of stuff I dont really need.