Specifying Custom Tool Namespace and changing the namespace in controllers under System area fixed the errors. But I still think using ```global::[ns]``` could save some time in similar cases.
I have an area called ```System```. So inside the generated files, the namespace is ```Lib.Areas.System.Views.ViewName``` which is causing massive amount of errors in the generated code because the .net ```System``` namespace is being hidden by mine.
I think its better to use ```global::[Namespace]``` in the generated code. Meanwhile, is there a work around this?
Comments: What does the generated code look like when you __don't__ use RG? If it works then, then it is the same root issue.
Specifying Custom Tool Namespace and changing the namespace in controllers under System area fixed the errors. But I still think using ```global::[ns]``` could save some time in similar cases.
I have an area called ```System```. So inside the generated files, the namespace is ```Lib.Areas.System.Views.ViewName``` which is causing massive amount of errors in the generated code because the .net ```System``` namespace is being hidden by mine.
I think its better to use ```global::[Namespace]``` in the generated code. Meanwhile, is there a work around this?
Comments: What does the generated code look like when you __don't__ use RG? If it works then, then it is the same root issue.