Specifying Custom Tool Namespace and changing the namespace in controllers under System area fixed the errors. But I still think using ```global::[ns]``` could save some time in similar cases.
I have an area called ```System```. So inside the generated files, the namespace is ```Lib.Areas.System.Views.ViewName``` which is causing massive amount of errors in the generated code because the .net ```System``` namespace is being hidden by mine.
I think its better to use ```global::[Namespace]``` in the generated code. Meanwhile, is there a work around this?
Comments: I don't see how this is the same general issue. This issue means that no one can have an area named System without having to specify custom namespace for their views. For example, if I have the following: ``` Areas System Controllers C1 C2 ``` Generated code for views would be: ``` namespace App.Areas.System.Controllers.C1.ViewName { using System; using System.IO; ..... ``` Since using directives are inside the namespace, conflicts will occur. To fix this, one has to use custom tool namespace for all views inside the ```System``` area. I don't really see why ```global::[ns]``` is not used. This is pretty standard in auto generated code: ``` namespace App.Areas.System.Controllers.C1.ViewName { using global::System; using global::System.IO; ..... ```
Specifying Custom Tool Namespace and changing the namespace in controllers under System area fixed the errors. But I still think using ```global::[ns]``` could save some time in similar cases.
I have an area called ```System```. So inside the generated files, the namespace is ```Lib.Areas.System.Views.ViewName``` which is causing massive amount of errors in the generated code because the .net ```System``` namespace is being hidden by mine.
I think its better to use ```global::[Namespace]``` in the generated code. Meanwhile, is there a work around this?
Comments: I don't see how this is the same general issue. This issue means that no one can have an area named System without having to specify custom namespace for their views. For example, if I have the following: ``` Areas System Controllers C1 C2 ``` Generated code for views would be: ``` namespace App.Areas.System.Controllers.C1.ViewName { using System; using System.IO; ..... ``` Since using directives are inside the namespace, conflicts will occur. To fix this, one has to use custom tool namespace for all views inside the ```System``` area. I don't really see why ```global::[ns]``` is not used. This is pretty standard in auto generated code: ``` namespace App.Areas.System.Controllers.C1.ViewName { using global::System; using global::System.IO; ..... ```