Specifying Custom Tool Namespace and changing the namespace in controllers under System area fixed the errors. But I still think using ```global::[ns]``` could save some time in similar cases.
I have an area called ```System```. So inside the generated files, the namespace is ```Lib.Areas.System.Views.ViewName``` which is causing massive amount of errors in the generated code because the .net ```System``` namespace is being hidden by mine.
I think its better to use ```global::[Namespace]``` in the generated code. Meanwhile, is there a work around this?
Specifying Custom Tool Namespace and changing the namespace in controllers under System area fixed the errors. But I still think using ```global::[ns]``` could save some time in similar cases.
I have an area called ```System```. So inside the generated files, the namespace is ```Lib.Areas.System.Views.ViewName``` which is causing massive amount of errors in the generated code because the .net ```System``` namespace is being hidden by mine.
I think its better to use ```global::[Namespace]``` in the generated code. Meanwhile, is there a work around this?