RazorGenerator is not showing up in the extension manager for Visual Studio 11
Comments: I had the same problems with VWD (Visual Web Developer) 2012 i.e. the Express edition. I followed the instructions from interscape to "unzip" and edit the vsixmanifest file, and added <Edition>VWDExpress</Edition> to make it work in Express for 2012. The schema for this manifest file is documented @ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee822857(v=vs.100).aspx, however could the dev team look at including this by default, as I did have to go around the houses, and it would be nice for others to be spared the pain... thanks :)
Comments: I had the same problems with VWD (Visual Web Developer) 2012 i.e. the Express edition. I followed the instructions from interscape to "unzip" and edit the vsixmanifest file, and added <Edition>VWDExpress</Edition> to make it work in Express for 2012. The schema for this manifest file is documented @ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee822857(v=vs.100).aspx, however could the dev team look at including this by default, as I did have to go around the houses, and it would be nice for others to be spared the pain... thanks :)