As addressed in the following discussions
RazorGenerator runs into issues with EditorTemplates and DisplayTemplates where users end up having to fully qualify types in the template files for it to work correctly. The problem is with the way RazorGenerator differs in the generation of names compared to the Asp.Net build provider.
For a file named at ~\Views\Shared\Boolean.cshtml, the build provider generates file names of the format
namespace ASP {
_Page_Views_Shared_Boolean_cshtml : WebViewPage<Boolean?>
versus RazorGenerator's output looks like
namespace Views.Shared
public class Boolean : WebViewPage<Boolean?>
which results in the cs compiler incorrectly inferring the templated Boolean type.
Comments: Thanks for the quick reply. I only installed the nuget packages today, but they would have been stable versions. Do I need pre-release? I'd prefer to keep it to nuget if possible so that other developers pick it up automatically and I don't have to ask them to install a VSIX. I'll give it another go tomorrow and paste in specifics.
RazorGenerator runs into issues with EditorTemplates and DisplayTemplates where users end up having to fully qualify types in the template files for it to work correctly. The problem is with the way RazorGenerator differs in the generation of names compared to the Asp.Net build provider.
For a file named at ~\Views\Shared\Boolean.cshtml, the build provider generates file names of the format
namespace ASP {
_Page_Views_Shared_Boolean_cshtml : WebViewPage<Boolean?>
versus RazorGenerator's output looks like
namespace Views.Shared
public class Boolean : WebViewPage<Boolean?>
which results in the cs compiler incorrectly inferring the templated Boolean type.
Comments: Thanks for the quick reply. I only installed the nuget packages today, but they would have been stable versions. Do I need pre-release? I'd prefer to keep it to nuget if possible so that other developers pick it up automatically and I don't have to ask them to install a VSIX. I'll give it another go tomorrow and paste in specifics.