Configured RazorGenerator and everything works fine on my local machine. Using TFS to build the project and deploy to Azure returns this message for all compiled views:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\Windows Azure Tools\2.0\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.targets (2661): Unable to copy file "C:\a\src\Trex\trunk\src\Trex.Web\obj\CodeGen\Areas\App\Views\Account\ForgottenPasswordSuccess.cshtml.cs" to "C:\a\src\Trex\trunk\src\Trex.Web.Azure\obj\Debug\Trex.Web\C:\a\src\Trex\trunk\src\Trex.Web\obj\CodeGen\Areas\App\Views\Account\ForgottenPasswordSuccess.cshtml.cs". The given path's format is not supported.
Comments: Hmmm, maybe there is something different about how TFS builds. The path `C:\a\src\Trex\trunk\src\Trex.Web.Azure\obj\Debug\Trex.Web\C:\a\src\Trex\trunk\src\Trex.Web\obj\CodeGen\Areas\App\Views\Account\ForgottenPasswordSuccess.cshtml certainly looks suspicious. It looks like it comes out of an incorrect attempt to combine two paths or something. It would be interesting to see if the same issue happens if you use git to publish to Azure instead of TFS. Maybe Pranav will have some thoughts as he knows more about the Razogenerator MsBuild task.
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\Windows Azure Tools\2.0\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.targets (2661): Unable to copy file "C:\a\src\Trex\trunk\src\Trex.Web\obj\CodeGen\Areas\App\Views\Account\ForgottenPasswordSuccess.cshtml.cs" to "C:\a\src\Trex\trunk\src\Trex.Web.Azure\obj\Debug\Trex.Web\C:\a\src\Trex\trunk\src\Trex.Web\obj\CodeGen\Areas\App\Views\Account\ForgottenPasswordSuccess.cshtml.cs". The given path's format is not supported.
Comments: Hmmm, maybe there is something different about how TFS builds. The path `C:\a\src\Trex\trunk\src\Trex.Web.Azure\obj\Debug\Trex.Web\C:\a\src\Trex\trunk\src\Trex.Web\obj\CodeGen\Areas\App\Views\Account\ForgottenPasswordSuccess.cshtml certainly looks suspicious. It looks like it comes out of an incorrect attempt to combine two paths or something. It would be interesting to see if the same issue happens if you use git to publish to Azure instead of TFS. Maybe Pranav will have some thoughts as he knows more about the Razogenerator MsBuild task.